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Laughing Buddha

Should you imagine that the world of haiku is one of quietest moon-viewing and geeky addictions to blossom-sighing and sunsets, the wild and loony twists and turns of David G. Lanoue's Laughing Buddha are sure to set you straight ...
This fast, fun novel is a hearty validation of a life without regrets for being wasted on a literature that redeems the useless and saves us from the worst in ourselves ...
The adventure begins, menaced by ninja lick-spittles, the seductive Lady Plum, and the jealous, brooding presence of Professor Nakamura, "the distinguished chair of Uptown University's Asian Languages and Literatures Department," author of a 700-page book of haiku criticism, and one of haiku literature's most cleverly realized, unforgettable contemporary characters ...
Risk, we are taught again and again in these pages, yields art.

—Michael McClintock, Frogpond

Sometimes you pick up just the right book at just the right time. Laughing Buddha was one of those books for me. For anyone who might be feeling stuck outside their creative flow, this book offers the wisdom of instinct and philosophy alike. It will poke you in the ribs with its quirkiness and deliver you over to the magic of laughter.

—Eve Luckring
about the book
Also by David G. Lanoue...
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