Japan Fest '09

On November 8, 2009, the New Orleans Haiku Society participated in Japan Fest, held at the New Orleans Museum of Art in City Park.

Preparing our table—banner supplied by our distant member Sakuo Nakamura.

The Kaminari Taiko drummers opened the Fest.

Johnette and Bob.

Nicholas composes.

Nicholas, David, Bob.

Karel and a friend.

T.J.'s first Japan Fest.


Karel and Johnette.

Nicholas explains the fine points of haiku.

Johnette, Juliet, Emma and T.J.

The haiku board.

Emma shares some art-inspired haiku.

Visitors were invited to add to a renga that will be typed and mailed to all. (E-mail addresses have been erased)

Photographs by David G. Lanoue and a friend.
